Rectangular Rug


The Rug Assassin

Hey Anon, did you put your whole life savings into a project that promised 1000x just to wake up to nothing?? Stuck holding the bag while the influencer that made & shilled you the coin runs off with your funds making them even richer while you’re eating beans and rice. Then wake up & join RASS as we bring these fools to their knees! RASS is revolutionizing the game & we aren’t stopping EVER.

Chart (SooN)

This Means war! Join as we fight to the top


Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Liquidity Pool: 80%

Team Distribution: 7%

Development: 5%

Marketing/Partnerships : 4%

Community wallet (Dao): 4%

LP tokens are burnt, and contract ownership is renounced Soon After Launch.

Token Address: Coming soon asf






Stealth launch token & begin ​building RASS community. This ​will be done organically

to mitigate pump & dumpers.

Get listed on reputable ​exchanges, and continue

growing our community. Aswell ​as begin partnerships. (Big ones ​already in the works)

Launch our bounty campaign which will reward you for bringing rugs to our


Build our RASS DAO wallet, that will include assets we will be giving away to our loyal community such as NFTs, tokens & early access to new projects.

Launch our staking platform. This will reward you while allowing our community to grow significantly.

Next we will begin vetting projects for possible rugs. That way if they are are

RASS verified you can feel better about your





Launch our asset exchange. (We don’t want to release to much info yet) but this will help mitigate multiple scams & will be huge. Aimed at the gaming industry. revolutionizing the

crypto space, and setting us apart from every other project.